Wednesday, October 12, 2011

K album jacket

The jacket is out and uhm....

Limited version

Regular version
Tsu, your pose, your hair!^^'
I wonder Tsu's leg pose was bent as if it's K? xD

You know what, this is the first time JE posted a bigger version for the jacket photo. Usually it's only 112 pixels for the width... I'm not complain though xD

Sigh, I spent a lot lately... I don't know..perhaps I wait for the HK version.
I sure will get this album. So, limited or regular? *think hard*
Mostly I choose over the track list.  But, I was once choose over a bonus xD
This time...?


leehyejung said...

I'm really looking forward to listening to this album T_T
I'm gonna get both but didn't order yet cuz the exchange rate is too crazy !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I've heard we can listen to songs in K album in nest week's donnamonya !
can't wait !!!!!!!!

I thought you were good at japanese cuz you get ftr's information too soon >_<

ryo said...

The exchange rate is high over here as well >.<

Really? can't wait for the next doya then xD

Ah hehee.. I just found a good update source and with the help of online translator + kanji dictionary. That's all xD
Just because I can't help to know them all asap ^^'