Sunday, January 01, 2012

Happy New Year 2012!

Happy New Year 2012!
Happy Birthday Koichi-san~

He'll always be a manga-ppoi prince to me and yet baka-Kochan xD

KinKi Kids was the host for this year Johnnys Countdown! *yay*
I saw some caps.. Tsu played guitar on Matchy's song.. and Koi performed Andalucia *_*
They both looks high xD
I can't wait for the show xDDD

Last night, Tsu is done with his recital..  I mistaken the time of his recital.. It was done right after Jcountdown!
source: weibo (1, 2, 3, 4)
I hope he had a good rest before today's con.
Just found out how his recital... and it's actually a rakugo (kidding)! a rakugo? No?


News repo about last night concert here.
Read the news, I feel envy. 6 of my fellow KK friends was lucky to attend the concert.

The most sold out goods this year is pouch. It was not on sale yesterday.. I don't know for today. And no sale for pouch on today as well ;_;. As for the strap, it's limited to one piece for one person. They should provide more when it's open to international fans, right?


simuntu said...

Ehh... rakugo?? Yg bener mbak? ROFL XD
Jadi bukan music recital? XD

ryo said...

ho oh, aku dah denger audiocon-nya. No music at all... *getok Tsuyo*

Anonymous said...

Rakugo? OMG,Really? *suprised *0*
But Domoto Tsuyoshi is a really talented human and comedy is one of his best character,lol,so really really excited,it's also some unexpected new thing from tsuyo~
wonder if from now on he will do it annually,since he's not interest doing musical/stage play when Johnny-san offered him.

ryo said...

I don't know actually, just that it's full of talk and talk instead of musical recital ^^'. I assumed it like..a rakugo :p

I have the talk from cb..and don't get what he said at all xD

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the reply ^^