Tuesday, September 27, 2011

堂本剛 十人十色 水声~suisei

He really broke my heart.. our heart T_T

22-24 October!! and I'll be in Japan on October 25th! *krai krai krai*
How could you do this to me, Tsu! T_T 
and it's in Nara *dies*

It's soooo close!!


leehyejung said...

Hi Im kinki's fan from s.korea ♬
I found your blog after searching kinki's information
Nice to meet you ^^
Sorry to hear that you will visit japan the next day of tsuyoshi's concert (T_T)
But hope you to have a great time in japan ☆彡

ryo said...


Nice to meet you too :)
South Korea! Did you manage to watch Koichi's BPM?

Yes, it's so unfortunate..but oh well, I hope I can have my chance xD
Thank you~! I sure will enjoy my trip ^^

leehyejung said...

yeah I watched BPM concert in Seoul.
But only 2 times T_T I could not get a ticket of last concert T_T

Because of my experience that I went to Tsuyoshi's solo concert only, BPM was really touched to me T_T

You're gonna watch any concerts related to KinKi Kids when you visit Japan?

I really envy KinKi fans from Japan who could participate in KinKi's concert whenever they want ......

Sorry to have wrote too many comments and worried about my poor English skills T_T

I'm a little excited to meet you cause we have sth in common that we're foreign fans T_T

See you :D

Anonymous said...

Yahh... sayang bgt... padahal kalo bisa nonton udh ditunggu live reponya hehehe....
Rencana pergi ke Nara juga? Tgl brp? Sapa tau masih bisa ketemu tsuyo di jln :P...

ryo said...

to: Lee Hye-jung,

Whoa, I'm envy you! Watched Koi's twice and Tsu concert too? *envy*

I wish I can manage for Tsu, actually. But he announced his con in a short time, so.. unpredictable.
Beside, my visit only for 7 days. I'll be back in November 2nd.

No worry, you're just fine, and I'd love to hear more stories. English is not my language as well^^'

See you!

ryo said...

to: Aleeya,

sob sob...

He euh, ke Nara. Uuuuh, kalo inget masih keselll..
Amiiiin, ketemu di jalan, bisa ngobrol bentar.. amiiiin...