Thursday, October 09, 2008

from Shindoi#285 20081001 with Becky

It's been long since I watched Shindoi.
This time a trip, second trip to Disneyland with Becky (again) xD
She's surely a lively girl. A perfect girl to date with at Disneyland :P

L♡ve is in the eyes?^^

Domoto Tsuyoshi on Becky's camera^^

you may forget the cute red hat~

It seems that Mickey is the most wanted to shake hands with Domoto Tsuyoshi xD

never failed to amuse me xD


Anonymous said...

Huaaahh, sayang si akang gak datengnya ke disney sea pas tanggal 2 oktober...huhuhu...coba tanggal segitu...pan bisa ketemu ma gueeeee.......

ryo said...

ahh zannen ne. Hehee.. wah, kalo loe liat doi, gue gak jamin shooting shindoinya cepet kelar xD

Anonymous said...

Gw rela gak muter disney sea demi ntn shooting shindoi,..Sapa tau tsuyo tgerak hatinya buat ngajakin gw poto breng krn kasian liat tampang gw yg mupeng pgn poto breng plus dpt tanda tangan dia..Ha3..