Wednesday, February 11, 2009

from DK#3 2009.02.08 - Hamada Britney

So many subbed DKs and other interesting shows, yet I have no time to get them all at the time being T_T

I paused the hectic time just for this one...

The guest, Hamada Britney (20 years old) is really something. A mangaka, that always carrying her pink suitcase everywhere^^ Not to mention her way of speaking^^'

I don't understand much, but there's love love moments^^'

I'm dying to know what this is all about!


I think both KinKi looks great in this episode. Yucali looks prettier each time^^'
and oh, I think Fukakyon wearing the same dress as the previous DK (don't worry it's not a bad thing afterall xD).

Ok, back to my own paper works... T_T T_T T_T

PS: read from fluffy's LJ about other upcoming project from Endli-san in about a month after the DVD release... what are you doing, Tsuyoshi??
Ah, it reminds me to pre-order the DVD first. Reminds me to pay Sita-chan for the [si:] DVD :P


Anonymous said...

fufufufu~~ jangan kaget ya kalau aku sampe stalker blognu yg ini juga novi XDD

hamada britney~~ dia hebat :) dia selalu bawa pink suitcase soalnya dia gak punya rumah nov ^^ (rumahnya ya koper itu jadi selalu di bawa kemana2x ^^)

hamada britney nganggep KK futari tu tmn deketnya ad kasih hadiah gmbr versi "gals"dr Kci ma Tsuyo XDD tapi DK ini bener2x TOP X)

ah~~rambling bnyk bgt ^^ gomen~~

ryo said...

hahaa, it's ok, rambling is allowed :p

Aiih, kok betah ya? Koper sekecil itu? Mana muat buat semua kebutuhan hari-hari ya??

Surprised juga pas tahu ternyata doi seorang mangaka xD

Anonymous said...

Iya~~ ^^ katanya kalau capek dia bakal istirahat di internet cafe ^^ isi kopernya kayaknya minimalis bgt :P yg penting aja yg dia bawa ^^ banyak kejadian2x yg dia alamin dan herannya masih tegar :) sugoi cewek ini ^^

fufufufu~~ mangaka "gals" yg nyiptain bhs gaul (yg bikin kci "?????" XD)

ryo said...

oya? wah, DK kali ini aku gak mudeng banget. Gaya bicara si Hamada ini, slang banget^^'
Moga ada yg bersedia ngesub cepet :p