Thursday, February 05, 2009

from Shindoi#301 - Nagase Tomoya

*as the anonymous request, wonder who you are..but I think you must knew me xD*
The episode has been subbed :: here ::

This is my own interpret anyway^^'

Interesting guest...

Apparently Nagase has a project to promote, Heaven's Door.

They're going to ride this Maserati car (the similar one Nagase used in Heaven's Door)

They were asked to take a snapshot of the food counter... and Tsuyoshi being evil for keep driving it fast and here's what he got xD

Having the meal (it's baked onigiri after all^^') and sat on the sand beach (again, resemble Heaven's Door scene..)

Taking Tsuyoshi picture from aside..

taking automatic picture

180cm vs 166cm

again, Tsuyoshi on Nagase capture

Please forgive my KKL mood/imaginary for this part...
244 target: Ichigo~

turned to Nagase for noticing that he shot ichigo..

and the big guy said "ii na~"

the he aimed for the second ichigo~

served themselves for tako senbei, quite interesting~

Your umai expression looks umai, Tsuyoshi^^'

This dish looks pretty..

ups, one incident^^'

ice cream with anchovy as the topping? though I like anchovy, but on ice cream? euww..

having this dish at Italian restaurant. The sky still bright, and they're ate 5 meals already! Watch your weight, 244!

later on, they're having guitar session, singing wth own song. My fave part, though^^

Nagase sang lyric using articles on a magazine lol. But, it's good, anyhow^^'

our boy smiling widely..that's nice to see~


That's all because I have to go to bed zzzZZZ


Anonymous said...

Thank You 3 starry night...
i'm not watch this episode yet so i wonder what's happened...
it make me happy...
May you write the details...
Please ^^

ryo said...


I'm sorry I didn't know your comment here. I didn't see any notification through my email before.
Apparently the shindoi has been subbed. You can download here.