Wednesday, April 08, 2009

剛紫/美我空-ビガク~my beautiful sky TOUR Goods

I've been waiting and found nothing at the official site, but I found Japanese fan blog that posted the goods though no picture yet.

・パンフレット \2,000 (Pamflet)
・ストール \3,500 (Stole)
・湯呑 \1,000 (Tea cup)
・携帯ストラップ \1,500 (Cell phone strap)
・ノート&鉛筆 \600 (Note & Pencil)
・ビーズクッション \2,000 (Beads cushion)
・マスコット白鹿 ・黒鹿(2種)\800 (Mascot, a white deer & black deer)
・Tシャツ \2,800 (T-shirt)

my note:
Since I'm not familiar with some of those terms, so here's what I found:
* A stole? Tsuyoshi likes to wear it lately^^' I'm highly curious on how it looks!
* A tea cup? I googled and found that the kanji refer to this kind of traditional Japanese tea cup.
* This is what beads cushion is?
* The strap could be mean anything, from any kind of strap. Remember that sankaku strap last year^^' I hope it would be common phone strap. Because I don't like having something I can't use. The kanji says keitai^^' Thanks fluffy~

The stole would be interesting, the strap is a must, and the maskot is nothing to lose.
Anyone going, and I can ask a favor?^^'

source: oricon/glocaly