Friday, April 17, 2009

from Shindoi 2009.04.15 with Wakatsuki Chinatsu

This is the second time I saw and enjoy her presence. Wakatsuki Chinatsu is another genki girl^^'
She seems has a good relation with Tsuyoshi, so their chit chat feels comfy.
This time, the theme was Shindoi Walker. I love this theme and noticed something interesting. Follow me, please..

wohoo.. adidas^^

Chiichan cracked me all the time^^'

I don't think I can eat this "chocolate" that looks like a real raw fish.

When I saw this hand cream, I got shocked. This is sooo nostalgic! When I was in elementary school, this is the look of my paper glue that sold around the local book store. This is exactly the same one. I don't think we have it anymore nowadays. I saw my niece bought the liquid glue instead of the creamy one. waaa, I never thought I'd see it again^^'

I miss his endli style...


Look, who's the next guest..

Nakamura Shido, a Kabuki actor which is also Ichikawa Ebizo cousin, and Takeuchi Yuko ex-husband^^'
and I heard "Jetcoaster Romance"...


Anonymous said...

just a little curious...
did they mention about tabe mikako?(from the first pic)
what did they say about her?
hontou ni arigatou...

ryo said...


Me too, curious on what they talked about her. Sorry, I'm Japanese illiterate actually^^'
But, what I got is that Chi-chan seems envy to Tabe-chan for how Tsuyoshi treated her in the previous Shindoi (about the shopping thing) and Tsuyoshi kept saying that it's because Tabe-chan kawaii? Off the record xD

I hope someone will subs the show. Let me try to ask someone.