Friday, November 04, 2011


Ah, btw, I'm back! Tadaima... 
The trip was fun! I would love to go back again for sure.
Nara was love.. Tokyo and Kyoto too.  I don't think Yokohama suit me well, but Yamashita koen is lovely xD
I love to see the fashion of Tokyo people. Everyone looks good especially on the hair.. I want to cut my hair there, but shocked when found out the cost O.o

It's pretty interesting to know that Arashi is so popular over there, right now. Of course they knew SMAP and KinKi Kids, but they seems a bit surprise that we aren't Arashi fans :p
One of the hostel staff said she have met/seen Koichi in *** and she said he's beautiful. Her opinion of Tsuyoshi is that he's getting more handsome. Gosh, I should've hug her! ^^'
I'm still tired. It was tired caused of the long walk and the fact that I had to carry my luggage a a subway.. But it's interesting to do anyway^^' 
It's fat burning indeed! Though I don't need that xD

Me and Wenn expected to see K album promotional stuff, and here's what we saw:

Waaaks, where's futari?? *disappointed*

But, we were lucky enough to remember to watch Domoto Kyoudai there. Well, only the last 15 minutes I guess?
Lucky to hear the spontaneous song that the guess played.. and it was lovely! No wonder Takamina cried xD
The next morning, we watched the news from Doya public recording.

I'm not good in telling story.. I might be back and edit this post later ^^;

Found this at Gurakudoh for cheap price!
I want this since the first time since I got hook on Tsu!  Well, I got both versions now^^'


Anonymous said...

Okaeri... ^^

Wah, kirain cuma ke Tokyo ama Nara doang ternyata sempet ke beberapa kota lain juga XD. Emg brp hari disana mbak?

"I don't think Yokohama suit me well"
Apanya yg ngga cocok? Suasananya?

"It's pretty interesting to know that Arashi is so popular over there, right now. Of course they knew SMAP and KinKi Kids, but they seems a bit surprise that we aren't Arashi fans :p"

Loh bukannya Arashi emg artis JE yg paling dikenal ya disana? Isn't it obvious? XD

Anyway, thx for sharing the pics! More please... i wanna see Nara ^^.

ryo said...

Tadaima, aliya!

7 hari sajah..maunya sih lebih lama xD

Yokohama itu kota pelabuhan. Beda sih sama Tj priuk, tapi warnanya beda sama Tokyo. Terlalu sepi? Atau kebetulan jalan2 di tempat yg sepi? xD

Meski pernah suka Arashi beberapa tahun lalu, tapi aku gak ngerti why they become more and more popular. No offense xD

Oke, nanti diupload lagi :)

Anonymous said...

Wah, 7 hari tapi lumayan pernah ke Jepang, nah diriku blon pernah *hiks* XD.

"Yokohama itu kota pelabuhan. Beda sih sama Tj priuk, tapi warnanya beda sama Tokyo. Terlalu sepi? Atau kebetulan jalan2 di tempat yg sepi? xD

Ah, i see... jd suasananya yg terlalu sepi. Kalo gw mungkin cocok kali ye, soalnya suka ama suasana yg sepi hehehe...:P.

Cuaca disana gmn? Lagi musim apa?

"Meski pernah suka Arashi beberapa tahun lalu, tapi aku gak ngerti why they become more and more popular. No offense xD"

THIS. Gw juga ngga ngerti apa daya tarik dari mereka XP. Lagu mereka juga menurut gw biasa2 aja. No offense juga nih XD. Tau kalo mereka terkenal juga dari banyak bgt berita2 ttg mereka di Tokyo hive & arama.

Anyway, selamat hari Idul Adha!
Sori kalo banyak nanya XD...

ryo said...

Tapi di Tokyo juga, ada spot2 yang sepi sih.. Even at weekdays, jalanan bisa melompong di siang bolong o.O

Hehee.. sama kali dgn pandangan fans Arashi ke fans lain xD.
Tapi, aku gak bilang SMAP to KK is the best group kok. They oldies anyway *laughs* and it's time for the youngster to rule the world :D

Selamat Idul Adha juga!
No worry to that xD
Seneng bisa cerita, since nyawa ini rasanya separuh masih tertinggal di sana *lebay*
Moga one day, Aliya bisa mengunjungi Jepang ya. Amiiin :)

wsang244 said...

Yokohama kurang kerasa "jepang" nya... :)

ryo said...

hihii.. iya rada kurang 'jepang'nya xD

wsang244 said...

gak bakal ada di list next trip tuh... :p
Aamiiiiinnn aaah.... :)

ryo said...

Tapi kemaren gak sempet ke Yokohama Arena~~