Wednesday, January 05, 2011

Love Fighter 2011.01.04

皆様 (minna-sama)

明けまして (akemashite)
おめでとうございます。(omedetou gozaimasu)

年賀メールが  (nengga mail ga)
少し遅れましたこと (sukoshi okuremashita koto)
お詫び申し上げます。 (owabi moshi agemasu)

みんなごめんね。 (minna gomen ne)

1年とは  (ichi nen to wa)
365日あると言えと  (365 nichi aru to ie to)
早く短いものですね。(hayaku mijikai mono desu ne)

四季はリズムを失い  (shiki wa rizumu o ushinai)
寂しく踊っている (sabishiku odotte iru)

みんな  (minna)
日本を感じさせ  (Nihon o kanji sase)
世界を考えさせました。(sekai o kangae sasemashita)

2010年は  (2010 nen wa)
自分にとっても (jibun ni tottemo)
忍耐の日々と  (nintai no hibi to)
闘いの日々を (tatakai no hibi o)

幾度となく  (ikudo to naku)

過ごした様に思います。(sugoshita sama ni omoimasu)

今年は (kyonen wa)
それらの時間をいかし  (sorera no jikan o ikashi)
 数々の形にかえ表現する  (kazu kazu no katachi ni kae hyougen suru)

そんな1年に (sonna ichi nen ni)
しようと思っております。(shiou to omotte orimasu)

みんなのことを  (minna no koto o)
今年も  (kyounen mo)
愛と刻みながら  (ai to kizami nagara)
1日1日を過ごしますね。(i nichi i nichi o sugoshi masu ne)

2010年もありがとう。(2010 nen mo arigatou)

2011年も (2011 nen mo)
愛の程 (ai no hodo)
どうぞ宜しく (douzo yoroshiku)
お願い申し上げます。(onegai moushiagemasu)


堂本 剛 (Domoto Tsuyoshi)



The new year

New Year's e-mail
a little late
I apologize for that.

I'm sorry .

1 year
365 days 
feels so short and fast.

the rhythm of the season is disappear
like a lonely dancing

I thought of Japan
as the world

For me too
Days of patience
Days of fighting

Countless times

That's what I thought it will like to spend.

This year
taking advantage of the time
Expressed in the form of numerous ..... *

each year
I look forward to trying./ I'll put my best effort.

for everyone 
This year
with Love through time
I'll spend day by day.

And thank you for 2010.

in Year 2011
About love
douzo yoroshiku onegai moushiagemasu

I love you.

Domoto Tsuyoshi

A new year's poem, Tsuyoshi-san?

*I have no idea at all..
Of course the 'you' is meant for the fans^^
The words put in separate line as it's Tsuyoshi style I've seen so far. It can be given a different meaning, I guess?

I think I understand what he's trying to convey, but I couldn't put it into proper English >.<
and I'm afraid I interpreted way too far *sumimasen*


Unknown said...

oohh... this is far better making sense than the Chinese one XDD
Otsukaresama and thank You for translating XD

ryo said...

Sama2 kie :D