Friday, June 15, 2007

Subaru's Birthday Phonecall (Radio with subs)

Thank you KuroNeko7727 for the vid, I hope you don't mid I put it here.
Here's from KuroNeko7727's comment:
"Ok, so this is from Recomen [2006.09.22], Subaru's birthday, and in case you don't know, Recomen is a radio show that Hina and Yoko do every week.

I'm sorry there's only one picture to look at, but my method of subtitling is just WMM and's just hard. XD

Anyway, hopefully this won't get me shut down from youtube again, and hopefully you can SEE the subtitles...

Mah, enough about me...go listen/watch ^.^"

Aiyo.. Subaru, you called your mom's with her name?? Hahahaa.. and seems like your mom's rock, Subaru-kun!^^

Recently, Red Ranger mentioned something on his J-Web. Please read @Binan no Nikki by shiho.