Found it at last. Yuuri looks different 4 years ago. Well, he still 9 years old and while not smile, I can't recognize him. I think he looks cute and younger now at 13 years than 9 years :P
I have this movie for 3 years, watched it already, but I missed the making :P
By the time the movie started shooting (July 2003), Yuuri just entered Johnny's for a month! (he entered on June 2003)
Chinen Yuuri~!!! you made Shingo dissapointed!
Shingo made a hand craft of Ninja Hattori animation characters on a plastic cup that he made it specially for Yuuri. That's wonderful one, but Yuuri seems not interested, he dislike it. Nande? Is it because it's not Ohno's handmade?^^ Hahahaaa... Though Yuuri just being honest, but poor Shingo xD
The next is from Yuri Chinen’s 400 Day Adventure.
with papa (a gymnastic athlete) and oneechan
said Yuuri good in acrobatic
left handed?
getting along with senpai..
He was lucky that everyone loves him. Even Rena Tanaka gave him a camera.
note: Rena Tanaka is current girlfriend for ken of L'Arc.
Yuuri special gift for everyone..
I thought at first, Yuuri seems like Gori-san more than Shingo.. but in the end, he gave the last gift to Shingo and I don't know what they've talked, but Yuuri cried!!
Shingo said; sabishi.. taihen.. ganbatte.. an advice from senpai to kouhai? :P
2004 -->
Johnny's boy's smile xD
This is my last post for today, I guess. I'll be leaving to S'pore tomorrow.. (^o^)
There's english subbed for this one! Check out :: here ::
Selling KinKi Kids CDs
10 years ago
hi! i wonder where i can find the making. i couldn't find it anywhere. thanks~
Too bad, at the moment, my connection not allowed me to upload such a big file..
If I found out that someone uploaded this, I'll inform here :)
you're in Indonesia right?
orang Indo ya? maaf baru liat profile nya barusan. ehehe.
internet indo memang lelet.
maaf ya ngerepotin~
haik :)
Kamu udah punya movienya? Kalo belum, aku dapet dari DoramaLover, movie including the makingnya.
oo.. belom sih.
tp aku di singapur. dan di indo aga gawat kalo beli2 dvd dan ketauan keluarga bahaha.
ga apa2 deh. thanks ya.
ah ic.
Seharusnya sih bisa. Cuma akhir2 ini lagi ngadat banget. Nanti kalo dah ok, aku upload.
wah! thanks ya!
saya akan menunggu dengan sabar.
maap ya, tiba2 comment nanya2 macam2. ehehe.
Hi Mel, aku nemu ini nih,
Aku coba download, tapi ternyata harus sign ini dulu.
Mau coba?
sudah dicoba. tapi ga bisa. hiks~
aku udah download sih movie nya di crunchyroll pake real player. ehehe. meski kualitasnya ga terlalu bagus. tapi masih ok.
makingnya yg ga ada. dan sebenernya yg aku mau itu makingnya. ehehee.
ngeliat pics yg diupload, jadi ngiler pengen liat langsung~ ehehe.
hi! I would like to know where you get the making of ninxnin and Chinen's 400 day adventure, and also the one with him on a suit? uwaaaa! XD i really REALLY want to watch it. =3
Hi :)
I got a copy of it. I think the making was a bonus from the movie. I would like to share it by upload it but it have to wait a little longer..
I can wait. <3 uwaaa! thanks! I already ordered the Premium edition, but the approximate time that it'll be delivered to me is by the 3rd week of november, soooo, really, thanks! >___<
ordered the Premium edition? O_o
wow, you're really a good fan xD
I hope you can enjoy it~
anou, i was wondering if you could please, please tell me where you got chinen's 400 day adventure? ive been looking for it like mad. >.<
A friend gave me a copy (pssstt) of the movie that included the making of it.
I wish I can share it with you, but my internet connection is far from cooperation :(
When I found someone upload the making, I'll sure post it here.
Patricia bought the movie and I'm sure it has the making. You may can try to ask her, perhaps? :)
aww~ okay, sorry for bothering you ne.>.< i dont usually use my blogger account coz im more active in livejournal but when i saw this, i had the urge to log in immediately, thanks a lot!! really~ sorry again for the bother. n,n'
You're not bothering me at all :)
I also wonder if someone kindly upload it for others xD
aloha~ maaf tiba-tiba
sudah ketemu XDD bahagianya
ngomong2 saya sahabatan dengan stELLar, jadi dia juga udah ketemu link nya ehehe.
ah, yokatta :)
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