Did anyone mentioned about this already? or I started senile xD
Suddenly I remember about this.
Koichi with golden tie at the stage greeting New York and before that, Tsuyo with golden tie on Tokyo Walker Magazine (March 2008).< >
The golden tie.. did Koichi borrowed it from Tsuyo or vice versa? or maybe it's just a completely different ties. Then forgive me xD
Found this at maggie's xD
Is this from 2006?
Selling KinKi Kids CDs
10 years ago
Lol. So I'm thinking...this tie belongs to Koichi, then when Tsuyoshi saw it, decided to "borrow" it without telling Koichi. Then, Koichi probably went on a rampage and stole it back to wear for that appearance.Lol...
Okay, seriously though. Is it the same tie? It's b/c the lighting in the picture is kind of different that I can't compare. The color of the two ties look different, but it is probably due to the lighting of the room. Hmm...Well, I still think Tsuyo-chan probably stole the tie from Ko-chan before giving it back to his friend when he went to NY. Since...Tsuyo-chan is more into interesting fashion while the tie seems more of Ko-chan's taste.
....Or Tsuyo-chan could have just went shopping and saw two golden ties and thought, "what a perfect Kinki Kids clothing article" and bought them so they can match later. LOl...Actually, I think this last idea sounds plausible.
hahaaa..I like the first idea, but the second is cute xD
Yeah, the lighting influenced much. I hardly tell whether this is the same time. But I'm sure that both ties were gold, though it might be different kind of gold. The shape of both ties looks the same though.
No idea whether it's the same :/
I know. I wonder if there's another picture of Koichi wearing that same tie but under different light. In any case though...I WANT THAT TIE NOW!!!
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