Wednesday, January 21, 2009


So.. the PV is out. Yappari it's like as the CM showed. KinKi futari hardly moved at all xD
The PV is all about motion graphics and directed by the master of motion graphics (?), VISIBLEX. Check out their works, it's cool^^

Yes, it's all about motion graphics. At first I feel a bit disappointed, but in the end it moves with the song. 「約束」is truly addicted and though a scene of love triangle might fit with the theme, this motion graphics fit as well. I might get biased, but if they showed more intense expression it would be much better :p

It's about white light and black light interception?

and yes, Tsuyoshi didn't wear his sneakers this time :P

hmm...It's more sense to me that Tsuyo might use VISIBLEX for his solo xD