Friday, December 26, 2008

from Shindoi #259 20080319 - YOU

The episode was a re-do the TV-Asahi program title ちい散歩 (Chii Sanpo) hosted by Takeshi Chii.

Tsuyoshi as the host and YOU-san as the cameraman.

So, the theme for this episode is つよ散歩 (Tsuyo Sanpo)

Shall we begin then?

First, it's a fact that Tsuyo was sick! He got flu, quite bad. I don't understand why he can't cancelled/postponed the shoot. His voice, his swollen eyes.. poor him. Even though, he still looks genki.
Oh, Tsuyo also carrying this so called ちいちいバッグ (Chi Chi Bag) that contain all regarding painter tools.

the bag cost around ¥16,000? ^^'

They started to walk from Shoshigaya station, passed on Ultraman corner (I don't know clearly about the spot). I wonder how come people still adore Ultraman though they've grown up. I used to watch the series on TV when I was a kid, but not really fond of it. I like Google-V the most xD

I can't imagine to meet and talk with him casually...

Meet kawaii little girl at the park

and make a propose to her ^^'

Have a lunch with Pecking duck & duck soup


passing by the river

it's amazing that you can still see ducks swimming on the river..

Feeding the crews^^'

Stopped by at this cake shop

The cake shop put a board that contain photos of birthday cakes they made for 芸能人 (geinoujin= artist/entertainer).

look closer..
The next Tsuyoshi birthday cake is seemed to be Kimura Takuya birthday cake.

Maple creme and purple cake looks yummy~

!! Stag-beetle?

Calculated the walk

Mission accomplished!
It's a healthy walk to do. I felt healthy already just by watching it^^'
Though I think the foods they ate is exceeding the calories they spent for the walk xD