Tuesday, December 09, 2008

from Shindoi#044 2003.09.03 - Hirayama Aya

I supposed to do something for smappies, but I really lost in mind.. so, I end up watching old Shindoi.

I specifically looking for this ep, because of the guest *mumbling*

calling ((Wenn))

three times!

and I just love Shindoi^^' *in the end I was wondering about something, specifically after this ep*

Mission accomplished! *sweat*
O'tanjoubi omedetou Goro-chan^^'

finished watching this before off to bed *I'm lost*

the title should be Koichi is the devil ^^'


Anonymous said...

..sumpaaah, cakep bennneerrr...

ryo said...

hahaa.. gaya ala Dekiai Logic ya?
Kalo ntar loe liat clipnya.. temanya kan date late midnight.. alias pulang pagi. Doi dah siap dengan kemeja putih kelap-kelip itu, celana ungu dengan boots, trus glasses.. Keren benerr.. Sayang kurang satu aja.. kurang tinggi (maap ya Tsu)^^'

Anonymous said...

haha...daijoubu Tsuyo kun...gue terima apa adanya...hihihihi...