Sunday, December 14, 2008

small happy things

Read other's meme about this, and I think that's a good thing to do everyday. I can try to lessen my sighs especially at work^^'
So, dear friends, shall we try to count every single happy thing that might happen in a day. There'll be one even small.. I do believe that.
I collected some happy things just now:
Watching Mariah Carey 「Bye-bye」 on Opray Winfrey show (uhm yeah, our TV aired the show verrry late).. very nice performance~ (I can forgive her 'minimum clothes' because of this)
The lyric is just.. got me *sniff*

Mariah Carey Lyrics
Bye Bye Lyrics

My imeem friend upload Endlicheri☆Endlicheri 「ソメイヨシノ」 from Orgel☆Collection. It's just nice. I love the song so much anyway~
There's other KinKi songs too, you may want to get it, then check it out :: here ::

Thought about I finally decided to get 「約束」 and waiting for it to be released next year (sounds very long time to wait^^'), just makes me happy. Seems by thinking about this, I can be happy everyday until the day come. Silly me, I know ^^'

Have a nice day, everyone~
