Saturday, September 05, 2009

Another Koichi bits

This is from Tetsuko's Room (Tetsuko no Heya) 2007.07.26 (thanks to hakka51244 for the sub!).

The show hosted by Tetsuko Kuroyanagi-san. Apparently she's the author of the lovely book "Totto-chan, the Little Girl at the Window". I've read the book many years ago.
Koichi was questioned about his work as KinKi Kids, his musical "SHOCK", and his private life.


Most questions are questioned often in other interview but I haven't watch/read about his musical "SHOCK". Up until now, I have no interest about the show. The main reason is I have no knowledge about a stage play and I don't really interest in dance. But following this talk has influence on me.
I'd like to watch the show. Searching at Yesasia and found out that there's no HK/Taiwan version of SHOCK DVD. Even the Japan version is all sold out! Whoah, I'm impressed! I guess I have to ask Ching ching to lend me her SHOCK DVD collection? The problem is my player is region 3 :(

Lucky that I found an English subbed of SHOCk 2005, can't wait till it finished downloaded^^'