Monday, January 14, 2008

[bits of pieces] Countdown 2007-2008, Shibutani Subaru & ENDLICHERI☆ENDLICHERI

I'm starting today with delight after read at usami-chan's LJ about 'one blanket' xD
But few hours later.. someone ruins it. The rest of the day (untill this time) I worked with no energy :/
But, after work, I found something interesting.. it's about Shibutani Subaru attended ENDLICHERI☆ENDLICHERI concert last year (credit to annika). Haaa how long since last time I talked about him? I remember him at Countdown 2007-2008. He has new hairstyle. He cut his hair shorter than It's My Soul time. He looks fresh. He looks like Kato Shigeaki^^

Hikkie-chan gave me Countdown copy the other day. It's in a DVD format, so I can't make a snapshot of it. It was a bright party. With KinKi's Φ stage (the stage has Φ shape), and somehow the Dome lights seemed so bright.

- TOKIO, V6, KinKi Kids, Arashi, Tackey & Tsubasa, NEWS, Kanjani, KAT-TUN, Hey! Say! JUMP, and Ikuta Toma with special guest Higashiyama Noriyuki.
- Arashi is the host this time. Main talker were Sho and Jun.
- Some with new haircut (at least for me); Subaru, Tsubasa. Tsubasa looks more mature~
- Nishikido Ryo is the poor boy. He had to keep moving between NEWS and Kanjani, changed clothes too yet he always smiling. I guess MVP for this countdown should be for him^^
- Koichi got his birthday present from Nagase, a kiss xD
- Koichi duet with Tackey. Both looks like they were kyodai^^
- I thought the next will be Tsuyoshi and Tsubasa, but it's Tsuyoshi & Okada Junichi & Innochi. I noticed Tsuyo patted Okada in the end xD
- Tsuyoshi, Kokubun Taichi performed 'Fantastipo'. Somehow they asked along Nagase and Koichi. From the left to right it's Tsuyo, Nagase, Koichi then Kokubun. But look at Koichi, he kept looking at his aikata's dance, so he has to move backward a bit. Suspicious eh? Why don't you look at Kokubun who stood next to you? hahaaa...
- Yamapi x Kamenashi as Shuji to Akira performed Seishun to amigo, then Nishikido and Akanishi appeared singing for the last part of the song. (Is it just me?)
- Those who born in Rat year (02/15/1972 - 02/02/1973 & 02/02/1984 - 02/19/1985) appeared with hakama. I only remember Yamaguchi, Nagano, Yasuda Shota, Koyama, Nishikido Ryo, Akanishi, Ikuta Toma.
- Uhmm.. i noticed that Nikishido and Akanishi got the most loud applause.
- The last part, message from each group. I only notice on KinKi (gomen). Tsuyo started with put his face so close with the camera and then Kochi held Tsuyo face by two hands (cute^^). Later Tsuyo stood behind Koichi and gave an innocent looks (like the one he showed on Hey3x Telephone Box).
- They all singing a happy new year song 'はつうた', twice.
- Everyone looks happy :D