Monday, January 07, 2008

New Year, chicken pox, Phi Concert, Koichi...


I’m back a little late. Iro iro happened. I got sick. I got Chicken pox. At this age 
Unbelievable! I ended up this year gotten sick! I heard the sound of 00.00 at midnight from bed. Quite saddening, but can’t be helped either. I just prayed that I would have a better time this year. I had enough being sick in 2007. I hope this chicken pox is the last one, please.

I had a feeling for this chicken pox a week before, when my niece got one. A whole family never gets one before. That week, I also didn’t feel quite well, told Wenn before. I had a dream too, that I being sick. Can’t believe that it’s come true. I knew that one day I’ll get this chicken pox, but why now?? Wenn told me it’s better now than later, especially if I got pregnant. Yeah, she’s right. But, got chicken pox at this age is really terrible! It’s different when you’re still a kid. My niece also only had a slight fever and the next day the blister came out, she felt fine. Just have to wait till the blisters get dried. For an adult, the virus is more like Herpes virus. I noticed that the blister also looks a bit different. It’s more like herpes (zoster) my mom’s got years ago. I still got the fever for the next 2 days, plus the headache. The blisters started at my arms and stomach, and the next day it’s all over me, my body, my legs and my face including my mouth and throat! I couldn’t eat. It’s really hurt to swallow the meal or brush the teeth. My face looks terrible, inflamed and the blisters that seemed won’t dry… I cried on that day :p
Wenn, I’m terribly sorry that I had to cancel our holiday! I own you for that and that’s a promise.

Now, after 7 days, most of the blisters got dried. I still have few on my face, so I won’t go to office till it clean. I missed everything a lot. Wenn messaged me about KinKi concert.. arghhh.. I couldn’t download anything till I get back to office!

Ahh I miss Koichi’s bday too.

Happy Birthday Koichi..
All the best to you…in your carreer as KinKi or your solo, in your life, in your love life… hope you can find your soulmate soon…( ^o^ )

note: I just back from usami's.. eiiiii what is it??? You got a kiss from Tsuyo???
I can't believe it! it's not once, but more than once!! The best gift ever? ^o^ Fancam pleaseeeeeeeee


Snapshots from fancam by tsuyomay (thank you!) --> here.

and D2 has special report on that! ..> read here (thank you nana and Summer Snow and fluffy^^)
--> I really don't know what to say about this two guys xD

captures from the news report..

This is Tsuyo's presento for Koichi's birthday.

Tsuyo: iyaa... oishii kuchibiru ya naa (yay!!)