Saturday, February 09, 2008

a lesson & Johnny's Jimusho

Ok, it's Koda Kumi this time. I'm a bit surprised of what happened but I agree that it's not supposed to say it by a public figure. The reaction was so big. Compared to Erika Sawajiri, this one is more serious matter. I can't imagine how this will influence her career. There's another news this morning on public reactions to Koda Kumi's apology on an exclusive interview on Fuji TV's "FNN Super News" (Tokyograph). She's not forgiven yet.
Whether a public figure or not, we should really think about what we're saying. Yes, I also need to be more calm and think twice & wise.


Recently, I've been download two shows where Matchy and The Question? appeared. Hahaa.. I'd like to know more about other Johnny's and especially Matchy-san. It's really interesting that he's (and Toshihiko both from The Tanokin Trio with Motoki Masahiro) each was the first solo artist from Johnny's.
Since I watch Countdown 2007-2008, I hunt for previous Countdowns. At Countdown 2003-2004, there's some quests; Higashiyama Noriyuki (Shounentai), Sato Atsuhiro (Hikaru Genji), Akasaka Akira (Hikaru Genji), and Okamoto Kenichi (Otokogumi) whom also a father of Okamoto Keito (Hey! Say! JUMP).

Well, I noticed one thing. Johnny's looks. I see that some recent Johnny's resemble their senpai a lot. For example;
- Ikuta Toma - Akasaka Akira. I won't suprised if they were told sibling xD

- Shibutani Subaru - Sato Atsuhiro. I won't surprised if they were told sibling xD. You should see how they both looks when screaming.

- Matsumoto Jun - Higashiyama Noriyuki.
- Nagano Hiroshi - Inagaki Goro
- Kimura Takuya/Tomoya Nagase - Masahiko Kondo. Well, not similar in the looks, but more in their style --> I meant at the same long hair they had before.

It's a bit suprising because when I saw old picture of Hikaru Genji, no one looks handsome, but look at Atsuhiro and Akira now =D
hmm.. it's sort of like typical for Johnny's favorite looks? :P
Whoah it's was fun watching Countdown. Now, I have to rush up to meet with others >>
Have a nice weekend~!


Anonymous said...

Doh,gw ktinggalan berita, what happened aya naon ma kumi teh jeng?

Anonymous said...

doi berkomentar tentang sesuatu yang dianggap kurang pantas sebagai seorang public figure di acara radio.
Sementara doi baru aja akan ngeluarin album baru dan ngadain tour start april. Dia mau ngebatalin tournya. Permintaan maafnya dianggap publik kurang tulus :/