Tuesday, June 17, 2008


Apparently those who live outside Japan has bought/received the DVD earlier. And those who preordered through online stores will receive it shortly. We heard this and that about the content...

Got this from baidu.
These are from the booklet.
Scanned by RIN

Now these are my wallpaper.

Sugoi stage, isn't it?


KK said...

WAaah!! Suge!!!...The stage is so cool!! Waahh!!...I may have to buy that DVD now....ugh...Gotta go save up now...

ryo said...

Before, we all curious why both Limited and Reguler editions release in the same price for the same track list (except for the booklet of course). Now, we know that there's actually another difference, in the content. For the first time I hate about limited vs reguler >_<
Why they don't just release one edition??
It's late for the limited now that I'm regret so much :(