Saturday, December 08, 2007

[fandom] what makes your heart goes patter recently?

for me, the answer is these...

I forgot the source, but credit belongs to the owner/scanner.

my days lately been filled with him. Listened to his music and watching his concert.. and

and this one I got from Wenn and Wenn got from hikkie_chan :P

I don't think I have this Shindoi episode...


Anonymous said...

Jeeeeng....udah liat pic tsuyo chan di thread Kinki kids di indosiar..?? di bag J music, ada postingan pics baru kang Tsuyo...Subhanallaaaahh...gue sampe dzikir sambil sibuk nge-save in pic2 nya....
Apalagi tsuyo kun brewokan...mhhhh....pingsaaaaann..

Btw...hp mu gak aktif yang 2 hari ini...???

ryo said...

wah belum.. aku dah gak pernah kesana lagi.. nanti liat di lacreme aja, pasti ada juga.

Iya, sehabis kita nonton, baterenya mati.. told you; i don't have the charger at the moment, so.. this morning will do the charge.