Tuesday, August 28, 2007

[K8] Uchi on K8 concert~

I just read this pieces of news..



From BNS,


関ジャニ8 内に復活ラブコール
 ジャニーズの研修生として少年隊の舞台「PLAY ZONE」で仕事復帰した内博貴(20)が5日、東京ドー ムで行われた、関ジャニ8のコンサートのステージに立った。会場内が騒然となる中、内はファンに謝罪とお礼を述べるにとどまったが、古巣のメンバーは、5 万5000人のファンに「これが関ジャニ8です!」とアピール。内に関ジャニ8復帰のラブコールを送った。


  内はまず、5万5000人のファンに対し「すいませんでした。本当にすいません」と謝罪。「でも、ありがとうございます」と温かな歓声に感謝した。そして 8人で「関風ファイティング」を熱唱。内の親友でもある錦戸亮(22)が自分の着ていたメンバーおそろいのTシャツを脱いで内に着せるなど結束を感じさせ た。


  グループ復帰を予感させるような今回の内の飛び入り。久々に8人そろった“エイト”に大感激のファンからは「博貴コール」が鳴りやまず、涙を流すファン も。だがジャニーズ事務所では、かねて「元のグループへの復帰はない」と明言しており、ソロか別グループでの活動の可能性を明かしている。


Translation of the article: by tomo as posted @BNS (with many thanks)

Uchi Hiroki who was returning to work as a Johnny’s trainee in Shonentai’s Play [Playzone] stood on the concert’ stage at Tokyo Dome where Kanjani8 were having a concert on the 5th. While the whole concert hall suddenly was in an uproar, Uchi was apologizing and thanking the fans. His old members appealed to their 55000 fans, “This is Kanjani8.” Kanjani8 were sending love call for Uchi’s return to the group.
During anchor, Uchi appeared on stages and the whole concert hall went crazy. The last time Uchi participated in Kanjani8 concert was in Dec 2004. It had been 2 years and 8 months. The last time the eight of them were together was in May 2005 when Uchi was fired from a play. It has been 2 years and 3 months.
First, Uchi was apoligizing to 55000 fans, “I’m sorry. I am really sorry.” “But, thank you very much,” thanking the warm welcome the fans had given to him. Then the eight of them sang Kanfuu Fighting. Uchi’s best friend, Nishikido Ryo, took of his shirt (the same one all the members wore) and made Uchi wore them etc. seemed to indicated some kind of a promise.
Furthermore. Yokoyama Yu said, “From here on our new legend will born.” Yasuda Shota said, “This is, kanjani 8!” They were all appealing to Uchi for his return. The eight of them held hands together and greeted, “This is the highest and strongest kanjani 8!” All of them looked they all had been deeply moved.
This time, Uchi’s sudden participation had made us predicted his return. For the “eight” of them, it had been a long time since the all together in one place. Their fans were very touched and didn’t stop roaring [Hiroki call]. Among the fans, some of them were in tears. However, JE had previously declared that[He will not return to his previous group], revealed that Uchi might be taking in part in solo or a new group.
Uchi debut as one of the members of NEWS and Kanjani8, but in July 2005 he stop all his works because of underage drinking scandal. He had withdrawn from both groups. As a trainee, in July, he returned to work in Shonentai Musical.


Uchi will be back to K8 then? really no idea..