I read at D2 about KinKi will have a new Single release next September. I searched for the official source, but can't find any yet. Instead i found this blog; http://kinki51244kix3.blog50.fc2.com/
the number sounds familiar to me >>
Anyway, I can't get what she said through babelfish, yet she didn't put any source either :/
9月12日発売 「永遠に」
# 初回盤
4.永遠に(Backing Track)
# 通常盤
3.旅路~you're my buddy.~
So, according to nana, the new single title is 'Eien ni'. Namida, hito hira as the theme song for Sushi Ouji will be included. Plus one more song, 旅路~you're my buddy~.
From what I know, Eien ni = Eternally. Laruku has a song with the same name :D Then, the kanji in front of 'you're my buddy' = journey (according to babelfish).
Found another related news at here: http://keiblog-06125.jugem.jp/9月12日(水)発売!
◎CDデビュー10周年を盛大に迎えたKinKi Kidsが26枚目シングルを発売!!
「永遠に」は、KinKi Kids10周年記念ソングとして制作された、徳永英明氏の楽曲提供による珠玉のバラード。
完全初回限定盤には、通常盤未収録の「夢幻ノスタルジー」、「永遠に」Backing Trackを収録。 3面6Pジャケット。
通常盤には、完全初回限定盤未収録の「旅路~you're my buddy.~」を収録。 3面6Pジャケット。
Babelfish says, there's first limited edition which will have different cover design with the regular. It cost ¥1,000, then.
Ok, edited (many thanks to nana~)
But here's came out from cdjapan. I forgot about cdjapan. I only checked on HMV and yesasia before :/
Limited Edition
1. | 永遠に |
2. | 涙、ひとひら |
3. | 夢幻ノスタルジー |
4. | 永遠に (Backing Track) |
Reguler Edition
1. | 永遠に |
2. | 涙、ひとひら |
3. | 旅路~you're my buddy.~ |
Both same price.
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