Friday, September 14, 2007

(嵐) Choosing leader of 嵐

Ah, I found this. I've seen before on D2. Many thanks to pandadog for the vid.

Many thanks to tayuri17 for the translation~ (I've been around just now, and found that this site seems belong to the same person

Brief translation of what's going:

Host: Though I'm the leader of Shownen time, Who is Arashi's leader?
Arashi: No one is/There isn't one.
Host: You haven't decided on one? Who's the oldest here? Ohno?
Ohno: Yes. But I thought, it's impossible for me...
Host: It's impossible for you as leader?
Ohno: Yes.
Host: So who here has got it together the most?
Arashi: Sho-kun.
Host: Ah... Keio-boy. (Sho at the time was a student at Keio University; some more comments about Keio) In the mean time, should we pick a leader? Not to do the job, but a "fun" leader. Is there anyone who would like to do it (be leader)?
Arashi: *silence*
Host: If you could decide, who would it be?
Matsujun: For me, the oldest, Ohno-kun... I'd like to see him do it.
Host: Be leader?
Matsujun: Yes.
Host: That's Matsujun's opinion.
Aiba-chan: Me too. Ohno-kun would be good. Yes.
Nino: Me, then O-chan...
Sho-kun: Me too, for Ohno-kun.
Host: So everyone's for Ohno. Ohno, what do you think?
Ohno: No way, that's dangerous!
Host: So then, Ohno, who do you think would be best?
Ohno: Me, Sho-kun.
Host: Why don't we do Janken?
Sho-kun: Eh? Right now, to decide?
Host: That's right. Please come to the front.
(They do janken: Ohno wins (paper), Sho loses (rock. Ohno's happy, thinking that means he gets out of being leader.)
Sho/Host: You won, that means you're the leader!
Ohno: No way, I said that's dangerous!
Audience: Riidaa~!! (Leader!)
Host: I'm leader here, you're the leader of Arashi and Joushima is the leader of Tokio. We might be able to have a "leader" meeting every month... Please do your best!
Ohno: Yes... seriously?
Host: I'm serious.


hahahaaa poor Ohno-kun!^^
Yeah, I've read about this before, but I didn't know that it was on a show.